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4 Ways Charlotte Businesses Can Improve Their Company Website

Your website is the core of your digital marketing efforts. It's a 24/7 sales representative and brand ambassador for your business. To really grow your business, your website needs to be able to reach your target market, hold their attention, convert them, and keep them coming back.

If your website isn't driving the results you want, it's time to work with Integritive to improve your web design and reach your business goals. That being said, here are a few ways our Charlotte web development agency can improve your website.

Give Your User Experience a Face-Lift

Web development is essential to consumer conversion because it has the biggest impact on your website. Our Charlotte web development agency uses different applications and software to improve the speed, navigation, and appearance of your website.

A website that's simple to navigate creates a better user experience, and when your audience has a better experience on your site, they're more likely to stay on the site, convert, come back, and even recommend your business to other users.

Make a Better First Impression

Web design isn't just about the appearance of your website. It plays an integral role in the user experience. The colors, font choices, images, videos, navigation, whitespace, and more all tell your user what they can expect from your business the second they click onto your homepage.

Good web design makes it easy for users to go through your website, read the information they're looking for, and find what they need to find. Too many colors can be distracting and advertisements that pop-up regularly along the side of the content can frustrate users. You want to keep your website as simple and sleek as possible for the ultimate user experience. After all, you want to make a great first impression.

Integritive offers services for web design Charlotte businesses can rely on to make a great first impression. We'll help you find the right way to showcase your brand so your website serves as the marketing material you need it to be. We'll create a professional website design that makes your business stand out as a leader in your industry.

Optimize Your Site for Charlotte SEO

Search engine optimization is vital to the success of your business. If your target audience can't find your website, then your website might as well not exist. But incorporating SEO into your website isn't just about writing content with keywords on your company blog for Google's crawl bots to pick up on. Incorporating SEO also means using web development SEO, on-site SEO, and off-site SEO.

What does web development and web design have to do with SEO? A lot, actually. Web development SEO involves developing a website with mobile users in mind first and foremost, properly coding structured data, optimizing the Robots.txt file, correcting HTML errors, and more.

Integritive's Charlotte SEO services can help you optimize your website from the inside out. From web development to web design, we'll make sure your business has everything it needs to be search engine-friendly. What's more, we'll even optimize your site for local SEO so you feel confident knowing you're reaching your Charlotte audience.

Build Your Lead Pipeline

Every business needs qualified leads in order to grow. Search engine optimization and PPC are great ways to build a lead pipeline through increased web traffic. But there's more to building a well-structured lead pipeline that's sustainable for long-term success and sales growth.

At Integritive, our team will help you funnel in new customers by tapping into the right markets and guiding potential customers along the sales cycle. Once we've developed, designed, and optimized your website, we'll help you create the digital marketing campaigns you need to improve traffic, boost engagement, increase conversions, and build revenue. Our customized digital marketing campaigns are designed with your business goals in mind, and we can shrink or grow your campaigns as needed.

Ready to Get Started?

At Integritive, our web design work and marketing projects are motivated by results. Our team will listen to your goals, help you define the pathway to reach the results you want, and then lead you down the path to success. Ready to get started working with us? Contact Integritive today.

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