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5 Effective Strategies to Boost Your Website

digital agency

An online presence is key if you want to build your business in the modern world, but it's not as simple as building a website. Here are some of the strategies a digital agency uses to help you boost your site traffic and customer engagement.

1. Content

Bill Gates published an essay titled "Content Is King" in 1996, and that simple statement has been true ever since. As important as it is to fine-tune your website and do all the little things that impress search engine algorithms, those algorithms prefer genuine content over just about everything else.

2. SEO

Search engine optimization (SEO) is a technique used to make your website more visible to search engines like Google. SEO starts with making sure your website is coded the right way, but it also has to do with your content and how you're using keywords within that content. Hiring an SEO expert is one of the best things you can do to boost your online presence.

3. Guest Blogs

Writing guest blogs gives you a chance to link back to your website while contributing content to another site. You can also allow people to contribute guest blogs to your website in exchange for links, that way you can build up the content on your website over time.

4. Reviews

There are several review websites, and scoring good reviews on those sites can help increase your online visibility. According to Fresh Chalk, 92% of searches with a city and business category produce a Yelp result in the top five search results. A digital agency can help you make sure you're clearing out any bad reviews you might receive to keep your rating high.

5. Social Media

People who share your content on social media do a lot to boost your business, and you don't have to invest anything to encourage social media engagement. Creating shareable content and putting it out there for others to read can give your business a significant boost.

The success of your business has a lot to do with your online presence these days, but there are several strategies to boost your website and develop a bigger online presence. Do you need a digital agency to help your website flourish? Contact us for a consultation!

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