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Is Your Color Palette Ruining Your Website?

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There are so many things that have to be considered when it comes to website design. One of the things that are often not given enough consideration is the color palette of the website. About 39% of consumers report that they feel that color is important for a business's website. Is the color of your website palette helping or hurting your business?

There is A Whole Psychology to Color

The right marketing team will have a good understanding of the psychological power of color and ensure that they make the most of that understanding in your website design. Colors evoke emotions in people. There are colors that convey excitement, colors that convey serenity and peace, and more.

Incorporating the right color palette in your website design is essential to conveying the right message. The colors that you use in your website design can speak volumes about your business to visitors on a subconscious level.

Colors Gone Wrong

In some cases, the color choice can be obviously wrong. For example, if the text is hard to see, or if images do not pop the way they should. The wrong combination of colors can be a critical failure for your website.

A recent study found that you have about four seconds to make the right impression on visitors. Consumers are impatient and will just about instantly navigate away from a website that is not highly functional and that is not visually appealing. The wrong color palette is a quick way to reduce traffic.

Consider Your Message When Choosing a Color Palette

When you are working with your website designer, it is important that you describe your company culture and the type of message that you want to send about your company culture. For example, if you want to convey that your business is 100% transparent, white is a good color to use for your background. If you want to convey that your company is energetic and fun, go with red.

There are gender preferred colors as well. If your main target audience is made up of women, then you should consider the colors that most women prefer. The same is true if most of your audience is made up of men. Do your research and collaborate with a trusted website design company to create a website with a color palette that will please your audience.

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