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Methods to Help You Rank on the First Page of Google

Having a high-ranking Google presence is what any web content owner wants. With so much competition out there, it can seem like a steep hill to climb. According to Forbes, Google has already received over 700 billion searches in 2023 and you want yours to be one of the first ones to show up. Here are a few of the methods a reliable marketing company will use to help you rank higher on search engines.


The right keywords matter in your content. Use SEM Rush, Google Trends, Google Keyword, and other tools to help keep track of the most popular search words. With the right tools, you can go deep in terms of analytics that promote a better understanding of where the top searches are coming from in terms of demographics, location, time of day, and so on.

Good Content

While focusing on optimization techniques, don't forget to make good content your priority. Users still want good content they enjoy consuming and can learn something from. Your Google presence heavily relies on relevant, original, and engaging work on your end. SEO techniques should include keywords, headings, subheadings, and visual images to make the content more engaging and keep users on the page.

Mobile Usability

Many people rely on our smartphones for more than just making a phone call. They also do regular web searches for the news, videos, useful tips, and directions. So your content should be optimized for mobile viewing. You can always use the Google Mobile test tool to see how your web page will look on various mobile devices.


Organize your website as logically and cleanly as possible. You don’t want users to get lost on your web page and not understand where to click. That's why it's important to map out proper categories and subcategories so that your pages fit in a correct hierarchy that makes sense both for a first-time viewer and Google itself.


The last thing you want is a slowly loading website, as it could be the kiss of death for your c. conversion rate. Viewers have so many options on the world wide web that they don't have to sit there and wait for your content to load. According to Statistica, viewers only wait as long as seven seconds for a website to load before they click away.

Your Google presence matters if you want your online work to see the light of day. That’s why you need an experienced marketing agency to help you. Contact our team so we can discuss how to help you rank higher.

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