How to Tap Into Funds to Build Your Manufacturing Website (Plus 5 Keys to Designing an Effective Site)


Your manufacturing company is facing pressure from cheap imports, causing a loss in revenue and decreased workforce. A new website with the ability to promote your company and sell your product online could breathe new life into your profits . . . but you’re facing a loss of revenue due to cheap imports.

It’s a bit of a vicious cycle, isn’t it?

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Manufacturing companies of all sizes — from the local mom-and-pop factory to the national supplier — need a solid website that drives sales, attracts B2B customers, and showcases their facility, capabilities, technological expertise and experience. A number of manufacturing companies also need e-commerce capabilities to compete which creates an additional technological challenge.

One of the biggest concerns to getting online is, of course, money. With high overhead and overseas competition undercutting your sales, building or improving your website is likely at the bottom of your priority list.

The good news is, if you focus in on a handful of key functional and design factors, a great website doesn’t have to break your marketing budget.  

In fact, right now, a funding program is helping manufacturing companies affected by international competition boost their competitiveness,  including investing in a new or improved website and e-commerce store. Integritive is a preapproved registered vendor for the program, and we can help get your manufacturing company tap into these funds.

About the Funding Program That Can Help Pay for Your Manufacturing Website

Few manufacturing companies realize that there’s a program that matches company dollars to enhance their online platforms with either a new website or improvements to an existing website, including helping U.S. manufacturers build e-commerce functionality.

Integritive is helping manufacturing companies access these funds. And it’s not an insignificant amount, either: a 50/50 cost share up to $75,000, with options available for smaller companies that can’t afford this split.

If your company is experiencing:

  • Declining sales
  • Declining employment
  • Negative impact from imported products

Then it’s time to fill out our pre-application form to help you qualify for the program.

5 Keys to an Effective Manufacturing Website

Once you’re approved for the funding, Integritive will get you started on building a website that looks great and has the messaging and functionality you need to boost your competitiveness.

Based on websites we’ve built for other North Carolina-based manufacturing companies, here are our top 5 musts for an effective manufacturing website.

1 :: A Homepage That Tells a Story

Yes, even a manufacturing website needs to tell a “story.”

From the moment your target customer lands on your site, all of the elements should focus primarily on two things: acknowledging your customers’ problems and demonstrating how your company solves them.

In this website we built for The Old Wood Co., we wanted to speak directly to B2C and B2B customers that value shopping local and domestic for their custom woodwork. To do this, we chose a stunning hero image of a craftsman at work combined with the copy “Remade in the USA.”

This combination addresses the target client’s desire for products made in the USA and displays this manufacturer’s high-quality products.

2 :: Professional Product Images

Great photos can truly make or break a sale. Clear, quality images show off your manufacturing capabilities and craftsmanship while also providing useful details for your customer.

Our web design client, Northern Crescent Iron, showcased their work with professional photography for their custom-made knives and other ironwork. Each photo showcases the product’s intricate detail, a major selling point for their clientele.

With your product photos, be sure to include multiple angles and, in some cases, your product in use. Finally, make sure navigation between photos is obvious and easy (as with the arrows seen in this example).

3 :: User-friendly E-commerce Functionality

Integrating online product sales or improving your existing e-commerce capabilities is critical for boosting your company’s viability against competitors. As seen with the store we integrated on Hugh’s Hand Built, each product should include:

  • Product title with the model number, if applicable
  • Well-written description with keywords
  • Product specifications (dimensions, weight, color, etc.)
  • Shipping details
  • Information on guarantees, warranties, returns, and refunds
  • Price, including shipping
  • Quantity and color selection (if applicable)
  • Customer reviews if appropriate for your industry

For our e-commerce site builds, we can work with popular online shopping platforms such as Big Commerce and Shopify, or build a custom front-end to work with your internal system. Building or improving your company’s online shop is covered in the funding assistance program.

4 :: Product Portfolios or Client Testimonials

Manufacturing is still largely a word-of-mouth sector. Your potential clients are looking for social proof: Who else has purchased your products? How does the product function and look in real life? Do you work with major names in the industry?

When potential customers see that other people have bought from you, it indicates that you stand by your work. And trust can earn you a sale.

Be sure to include a testimonials page in some form, whether that’s with written testimonials/reviews, client logos or, better yet, photos of your product at work, as seen here in Jade Mountain Builders’ portfolio pages.

5 :: A Transparent “About” Page

Many companies overlook the importance of an “About” page, but a well-built one enhances your credibility and connection with your customers.

It’s very easy to fall into marketing speak and buzzwords when writing your company’s profile page, but at the end of the day, people are doing business with people, not corporations. A thoughtful page with meaningful information about your company’s history, location, values and employees will make you stand out against (often) anonymous online competitors.

This website we build for Dream Guitars, a custom guitar manufacturer, has multiple “About” pages covering different aspects of the company’s history and culture, including a separate page for the owner and information on their awards and community involvement.

When a potential client can connect with your company on a personal level, the transaction becomes personal and is more likely to lead to repeat business.

How to Apply for Funding to Build Your Manufacturing Website

Integritive is an approved vendor for the funding program that’s helping U.S.-based manufacturers access this cost-share program, making the process easy and seamless.

To apply for the program:

  • Fill out our pre-application form
  • We’ll review and contact you to discuss your eligibility
  • Once you’re eligible, you’ll meet with the Integritive web team to identify your company’s needs and goals
  • Your project manager will oversee your site and keep you updated on progress
  • Provide final design approval
  • Go live with your new or improved manufacturing website!

Check out some of our other web design projects to get a feel for what we can create for you. We’re based in Western North Carolina and know the area’s industry and demographics. We’re a two-time “Best of WNC” winner and have worked with hundreds of companies based in the region.

To get started, fill out the pre-application form or call 828-250-0970 to talk to us about your eligibility.

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