Understanding Different Search Engine Strategies


search engine traffic

There are different strategies for getting search engine traffic to your website. Each strategy targets a different aspect of search engine marketing. Search engine traffic optimization happens best in a multi-layer approach. Here are some things you need to know about optimizing search engine traffic.


Search engine marketing (SEM) and search engine optimization have two different meanings. For the novice, it may be difficult to keep these two terms separate, but they're separate concepts. SEM and SEO often go hand in hand in a marketing strategy, but they are different.

Understanding the differences and the similarities is key. They're both search engine strategies, and they both depend on search engines. However, they use different approaches to get results.

Differences Between SEM and SEO Strategies

There are several noteworthy differences in these strategies. The metrics that are used for these strategies are different. SEO uses demographics and target audiences to create web pages that optimize search engine traffic. SEM metrics are things like click rate, cost per click, bounce rate, and paid advertising.

SEO focuses on understanding the algorithms of search engines. SEM looks at search engine web tools. SEM uses analytics to compare performance between competitors, and using that information, SEM strategies define paid advertising. A good example of SEM being a powerful approach is voice searches. According to Search Engine Watch, users are three times more likely to use a voice search feature than a text feature to locate a local business. Each strategy can improve search engine traffic. The strategies just get results using different methods.

Similarities of SEM and SEO

Both strategies focus on building traffic and building brand awareness. SEM pushes users to the website while SEO pulls users to the website, but the end result is the same: The user winds up at the website.

SEM is paid advertising, and SEO is a more organic approach, but the message is usually the same. It's how that message is delivered to the user and received that differs. Both options appeal to a wide audience of consumers. For example, some users prefer to click on an ad, while others prefer to read the content. Ultimately, a combination of the two strategies will return the best results.

Learn more about search engine traffic strategies today. Connect with a digital marketing expert now by calling Integritive!

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